In true me fashion, we are within the week of a holiday and gifts haven’t yet been purchased. I honestly don’t know how my mama did it before Amazon Prime, but I’m so thankful l don’t have to find out. As I was browsing Prime, I thought I’d share some of my favorite last minute Father’s Day gifts. Some are favorite gifts that are already at our house, some are things currently on a wish list, and other things are just simply unique enough to mention.
Cover Your A$$ets card game
On a recent trip to visit family in Arizona, I was introduced to a new card game by the name of Cover Your A$$ets. It quickly became a favorite and we’ve logged several hours laughing, bluffing and making family memories. Check it out!
Coffee Gator Coffee Grinder Hand Mill
For the coffee connoisseur, get him a grinder that he can lovingly use while letting the rest of the house sleep. Coffee Grinder has been a win/ win at our house!
ROCO Minimalist Aluminum Slim Wallet
For the dad that has enough in his hands and on his mind that he can’t worry about the clutter, the ROCO Slim Wallet is the perfect pocket-sized present.
Kindle Paper White
In a world of apps and stimulation, the Kindle Paper White brings you back to a modest nighttime story. Dad won’t need to be pulled away from his reading for work emails and looming calendar appointments.
Dreampad Pillow
Who doesn’t want good sleep? The Dreampad Pillow allows just that! It is a patented sleep system that connects to sleep sounds wirelessly that can only be heard by you.
23andMe DNA Test
This is something that has been on our bucket list for awhile now. If you haven’t heard of the 23andMe DNA Test, click around and check it out! Find out where you came from and what you’re made of with this easy-to-use kit.
Uniflame Firehouse with Chimney
The Uniflame Firehouse with Chimney screams summer night memories! We’re currently sitting with a pit that is circa 2008, so we’re due for an upgrade and this might be in our cart soon!
Amazon ECHO
If you don’t already own an Amazon ECHO, you have to ask yourself why the heck not? If you already have one, it may be time for a second. Alexa is our 6th family member and we love her fiercely.
Seinfeld Complete Series
Please tell me we aren’t the only household that could watch Seinfeld reruns all day long? Jerry Seinfeld is a true legend and my husband happens to be his biggest fan. He would go gaga over this Seinfeld Complete Series.