Some may wonder if I’ve had one too many mojitos and been unable to post…. Some may wonder if my munchkins devoured me in pure “children taking over the universe” fashion and that is what has pulled me away. Fear not, followers, all is well! I’ve been busy with life and super exhausted lately (growing a human is HARD work!), but am forcing myself a second to sit down and write.
In reflecting over these past few weeks, I have been in full momma mode! I’ve tipped my hat to the world of “freezer cooking” and am loving it! It cuts down on the nightly time spent in the kitchen and allows me to actually spend TIME with my kids instead of just existing in the same house as them for the few hours we have together after school/ work. So far, my freezer has homemade lasagna, chicken enchiladas, homemade spaghetti sauce, chocolate chip cookies, grandma’s noodles, ricotta ravioli, cinnamon rolls, buttermilk waffles, and sugar cookies in it! YUM! I have friends that do a “once a month cook-athon” to stock their freezer and the rest of their weeks are spent merely thawing, cooking, and throwing together a side. Awesome! I aspire to do this one day, but for right now I will settle for baby steps to reaching my goal.
Check out a few of the recipes I’ve tried that my family approves of…
After just a few hours this morning, check out my newest additions to my freezer….. Chocolate chip cookie dough, 4 pizzas, pancakes, 3 pans of baked ziti!