You know it’s going to be a great day when it starts with…. Mini golf! Full disclaimer: Mini golf with three kids often provides more tantrums than laughs, BUT I’m a year out from the event so I’m choosing to only remember the JOY. Also, spoiler alert: My youngest is a mini golf cheater! Watch the video to see what I mean! Thankfully, she’s cute and she can get away with it!

Our Day at Burnt Island Lighthouse in Boothbay, Maine

In addition to mini golf as a family, our day included ice cream treats, a walk up a REAL light house, a tour of Burnt Island, and a spectacular {and breathtaking!} boat ride!

Are you planning a trip to Maine? Check out where we stayed and see our house on the ocean! In fact, be sure to check out all of the fun we had during our #MN2Maine road trip!

Photo and Video Credit: Mojitos and Munchkins