My spotlight this week shines brightly on a New England family that loves to live in the moment. Will and Sam’s Fam is a refreshing site that chronicles the crazy lives of two parents who have no idea what they’re doing but have managed to fake their way to success thus far. They claim to have a messy house, dirty dishes, piles of laundry and a love for the life they’ve created together. By all accounts, we may just be long lost friends. After all, I also have a messy house, dirty dishes, and piles of laundry. Hmmmm…. Do you think, just maybe, we’re actually doing it all right and it’s the clean and tidy people that should take lessons from us?? (giggle, giggle)

The faces behind Will & Sam’s Family
Meet Will and Sam

How cute are these two??
This married duo of bloggers gained their parenting badge with Junior (5) and Addy (2). I love their tips and thoughts on parenting. They are open in sharing what has worked for them, and what hasn’t. And isn’t that what parenting is all about – Learning from one another? It takes a village, people. Expand your village and let them in! A few of my favorite posts from Will and Sam’s Fam include 5 Traditions That Bring Our Family Closer, Kids Are a Riot: The Random Musings of a 2-Year Old, and Confessions of a Dad: I’m Not The Best With Needles. Check out their site and let me know what your favorite posts are!
Before you head over to their wonderful website, take a few minutes to get to know more about the pair. And while you do that, I’m going to check out their advice on how to get my kids to eat their veggies.
Who do you see as your ideal audience?
Our target audience is parents with young kids (like us), although we think all parents will find our content relatable, helpful, and entertaining.
What are 3 things you can’t live without on a weekly basis?
Playdates (for Sam, nothing beats getting out of the house and spending some time with mommy friends), a car (Sam’s a stay at home mom who ironically spends very little time at home), and quiet time for the kids (this hour long sanity-saver is a daily must-have).
What are you passionate about?
Joy in family life. There’s so much happiness and goodness in our lives that come from being married and having kids. We started a blog to share that joy with others.
Tell us where you are with your blog right now: Just a hobby? Part time gig? Full time money-making-machine?
We started our blog in February 2017. Right now it’s just a hobby – we started it as a fun, exciting thing we could do together as a couple to strengthen our friendship.
What are your long term blogging goals in one sentence?
We hope to inspire and entertain other young parents by sharing parenting tips, insights, and adventures.

The Carter Family {But seriously, how many attempts before everyone was looking??}
Will & Sam even agreed to play along with one of our “Spotlight Series games” that we play with all of our featured guests. Check it out below!
- Laundry….. ughhhhhh . . . so much . . . never ending (although a family closet helps)
- Saturday mornings….. why are the kids up so early?
- I like to drink…. water (lame, we know, but we don’t really drink things other than water)
- Music… dancing to Raining Tacos at kids Zumba class
- Love… our kiddos
- Hate…it when they won’t go to bed
- The perfect season is… definitely fall – not too cold, not too hot, not too
rainy. Also, autumn leaves in New England are breathtaking.. - Food…. yum
- Exercise is… something we know we should be doing more, but can’t ever
seem to find the time to do it - Duck, Duck… hippopotamus (ok, it was goose, but that’s boring, so the
second thing that came to mind, no joke, was hippopotamus).
*Please stop by Will and Sam’s social media sites and leave some love, or better yet, connect with them and let them know how great they are!
The Mojitos & Munchkins Spotlight Series is our way of giving back. There is no way to properly thank all those that helped Mojitos & Munchkins get their feet wet in the blogging world, so we do this as a way of paying it forward. If you, or someone you know, thinks you would be a good fit for our readers, please submit an entry. We would love to hear from you and feature more amazing people, organizations, groups, blogs, and sites!