
I think about Albert Einstein daily. Is that odd? Let me explain.

A few years ago, I ran across this graphic while scrolling through my Facebook feed. The first thing that popped into my mind was, “BUT I REPEAT MYSELF DAILY!!!!”

“Put your shoes on. FASTER.”

“Wrong feet.”

“Get a kleenex.”

“Stop hitting your sister.”

“We don’t say that word outside of the bathroom.”

“No, you can’t have gummies for breakfast.”

The list could go on and on. Seriously though – I sometimes feel like one of those battery-operated dolls that you push their tummy to hear 1 of 25 pre-programmed sayings. I don’t go off script often as a mom.

What do you find yourself saying over and over (and over and over) AND OVER as a parent? Share your favorite (or not-so-favorite) one liner that you say {on repeat} throughout your day.



I’m excited to participate in my first MOM LIFE MONDAY BLOG LINK-UP PARTY. Check it out below.

Mom Life Monday Link-Up

Mom Life Monday Link-Up