Hi all –
I ran across this as I was working on lesson plans, er um, cleaning my house, ok, ok, browsing Pinterest. It hit home in a “God, I hope I can look back and say this in 20 years” kind of way.
It is entirely too easy to get sucked into life and sucked out of my immediate presence. While playing UNO tonight with my oldest, I couldn’t help but check my work email a time or two (In my defense, I’m just curious – Will the Polar Vortex bring us another school cancellation??). While cooking dinner tonight, I found myself doing various Google Searches on “1st grade nonfiction + Retell.” (Oh, the life of a teacher!). If I actually have time away from the boiling water, you would think it could be devoted to my two children and not my own entertainment?
My work/ life balance has been a constant struggle over the past year. When I am at work, I am constantly thinking about my babies. When I am home, my brain isn’t all the way there 🙁 In summation, no matter where I physically find myself, I can’t get my mind to come along with me.
Acceptance is the first step. Here is trying to find a world that isn’t perpetually distracted!
Special thanks to Kayse Pratt for this amazing quote! Check out her 14-day Motherhood devotional here!