At Very Anxious Mommy, you will find tips on Natural Parenting, Green Living, Motherhood & Marriage, and a plethora of resources on the above and more! While parenting and living with a family may have the been starting point of her blog, it is evident that her love for helping all is incorporated. She enjoys helping families, other bloggers, and the budget minded.

A Very Anxious Mommy… With her very cute family
Meet Heather
Heather, from Very Anxious Mommy, considers herself to be a semi-crunchy, green-living mommy who does everything she can to be the best parent she can be. The thing that I respect about Heather most is her raw telling of how she not only aspires to be a great mother, but lets others in on the mistakes she has made and what she has learned along the way. Her honestly is easy to relate to and puts you at ease immediately as a reader.
Before you head over to her wonderful website, take a few minutes to get to know more about Heather!
Who do you see as your ideal audience?
My ideal audience would be filled with moms from all walks of life. I love especially connecting with other moms who breastfeed, cloth diaper, and have anxiety as I do.
What are 3 things you can’t live without on a weekly basis?
I can NOT live without my Iphone. I think I would melt into a puddle. It is my life line.
My leggings are a necessity in my life now that I am a mom. I have just recently discovered the wonderful benefits of having a comfy pair of leggings.
The final thing I CANNOT live without would have to be my contacts. I have been wearing contacts for over ten years and I absolutely love them.
What are you passionate about?
One of my biggest passions is helping others. This is actually one reason that I started my blog. Through my blog posts I wanted to help other moms who are going through the same difficulties and hardships as I am.
Tell us where you are with your blog right now: Just a hobby? Part time gig? Full time money-making-machine? What are your longterm website goals in one sentence?
I have been blogging for just over seven weeks now and it would be amazing to being making an income from it soon. So far it is a full time job without the Full time paycheck.
Heather even agreed to play along with one of our “Spotlight Series games” that we play with all of our featured guests. Check it out below!
- Laundry….. fold
- Saturday mornings….. sleep in!
- I like to drink…. cherry pepsi
- Music… pink
- Love… my husband
- Hate…traffic
- The perfect season is… winter
- Food…. Chic-fil-A
- Exercise is… not my friend
- Duck, Duck… goose
*Please stop by Very Anxious Mommy’s social media sites and leave some love, or better yet, connect with her and let her know how great she is!
The Mojitos & Munchkins Spotlight Series is our way of giving back. There is no way to properly thank all those that helped Mojitos & Munchkins get their feet wet in the blogging world, so we do this as a way of paying it forward. If you, or someone you know, thinks you would be a good fit for our readers, please submit an entry. We would love to hear from you and feature more amazing people, organizations, groups, blogs, and sites!