This week, our spotlight shines on ShopAnnies. A blogger since 2008, Angela highlights recipes, tips, contests and giveaways. From her crockpot brownies to her Strawberry Lime Margarita Cupcakes, she has introduced me to recipes I want to try. I love how thorough she is in her recipe posts and her attention to detail – This definitely comes in handy when attempting to replicate her kitchen goodies. ShopAnnie’s is a place where you can expect a post almost daily… Which means she certainly puts me to shame 🙂
Meet Angela Church
- Angie and her hubby
- A favorite picture of Angie and her granddaughter
Before you head over to her website, take a few minutes to get to know more about Angela!
Who do you see as your ideal audience?
Moms, grandmas, and those that love to cook or are looking for tips for the home
What are 3 things you can’t live without on a weekly basis?
I would say I could live without lots of things. It is the people in my life that I cannot live without.
What are you passionate about?
Caring for the elderly, cooking, organizing, family, and couponing
What are your longterm website goals in one sentence?
My blog has been on several different stages. I have been very busy in the past working hard and working with lots of companies, Etsy shop owners and others. I have also played my blog a bit lazy where I shared a bit but not much. Now I am trying to get back to where I once was… Working hard, posting daily and getting in touch with others.
Angela even agreed to play along with one of our “Spotlight Series games” that we will be playing with all of our featured guests. Check it out below!
- Laundry….. Too much of it.
- Saturday mornings….. Cartoons
- I like to drink…. Sweet tea
- Music… country
- Love… family
- Hate… paying bills
- The perfect season is… mid-spring or fall
- Food…. Take it my way or don’t take it at all
- Exercise is… work hard
- Duck, Duck… goose
*Please stop by ShopAnnie’s website and leave some love!
The Mojitos & Munchkins Spotlight Series is our way of giving back. There is no way to properly thank all those that helped Mojitos & Munchkins get their feet wet in the blogging world, so we do this as a way of paying it forward. If you, or someone you know, thinks you would be a good fit for our readers, please submit an entry. We would love to hear from you and feature more amazing people, organizations, groups, blogs, and sites!