This week, our spotlight shines on Kendra, of Mrs. Doing My Best. Her message is simple – Sharing ideas on how to survive and enjoy life as a mom with young kids! Splitting her time between corporate America and pajama mom, Kendra is relatable, likable, and helpful. Her site has a clean look that is easy to navigate and you will find advice and ideas on a slew of topics. From DIY to recipes, gifts to holidays, organizing to travel…. Mrs. Doing My Best has you covered! With her help, you’ll soon be doing YOUR best!!
Meet Kendra and Her Family
- It doesn’t get any cuter!!
- Mrs. Doing My Best, Kendra
Before you head over to her site, take a few minutes to get to know more about Kendra!
Who do you see as your ideal audience?
Moms! My blog name, Mrs. Doing My Best, describes me as well as MANY other moms out there! I am hoping to share what helps me get through the day as a self-admitted perfectionist (would like to think I am in recovery but probably not) obsessed with efficiency, organization, and my family (not in that order). Why not help each other?!? I am a little bit all over the board right now sharing tips on healthy living ideas, easy recipes, DIY projects, travel tips, kiddo tips, and more. I am learning as I go and enjoying the journey so far!
What are 3 things you can’t live without on a weekly basis?
My family (hubby, 2 kiddos, and our crazy dog), my leggings (long version in winter and cropped version for summer), and a hair band.
What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about life, all good and bad. As a kid I was told “my voice carried”… I am passionate in the way I talk and the way that I act! Go big or go home, work hard / play hard….all these apply.
Tell us where you are with your blog right now: Just a hobby? Part time gig? Full time money-making-machine?
Hobby / part-time gig that is borderline taking over my life! I started my blog as a creative outlet but it is like a drug! I cannot help myself on wanting to learn more, do more, write more, share more – AHHHH! I would love to devote more time to it in the future. I am so grateful for my amazingly supportive husband that has been a huge advocate for my journey!
What are your longterm website goals in one sentence?
Right now, my website is just a hobby. I don’t plan to ever make money out of it, but I just love writing and sharing thoughts. Plus interacting with others and hearing their opinions on similar topics.
Mrs. Doing My Best even agreed to play along with one of our “Spotlight Series games” that we will be playing with all of our featured guests. Check it out below!
- Laundry….. at least I can watch TV while I fold!
- Saturday mornings….. Do I really have to get up?
- I like to drink…. Diet Coke more than I should
- Music… anything but country
- Love… my family
- Hate… inefficiency
- The perfect season is… SUMMER – is it here?
- Food…. yes, please!
- Exercise is… necessary to remain sane
- Duck, Duck… GOOSE! (can you tell I have young kids?)
*Please stop by Mrs. Doing My Best’s social media sites and leave some love!
The Mojitos & Munchkins Spotlight Series is our way of giving back. There is no way to properly thank all those that helped Mojitos & Munchkins get their feet wet in the blogging world, so we do this as a way of paying it forward. If you, or someone you know, thinks you would be a good fit for our readers, please submit an entry. We would love to hear from you and feature more amazing people, organizations, groups, blogs, and sites!