This week, our spotlight shines on Alysson Foti Bourque, author of the Rhyme or Reason Travel book series (see example here), and the newly released children’s book Alycat and The Thursday Dessert Day. Having worked with Alysson prior, I know that she is not only a beautiful person inside and out, but she is an exceptional writer who uses her words to teach valuable life lessons. Alysson received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Elementary Education from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, a law degree from Southern University Law Center, and currently receives inspiration for her work through motherhood. In a recent post on her blog, Alyson details a dream that she had which resulted in the writing of her first book of the Alycat series. She said,
As I finished the first book of the Alycat series, I realized that I had been writing my whole life and my dream symbolized what I should have realized a long time ago. I needed to keep writing. I have written fan-mail, love notes, friend notes, lesson plans, trial briefs, weekly letters to my children, my Will (over and over again), to-do lists, journals, imaginary stories, and true stories. The daydreams not only allowed me to accomplish my journey– the daydreams WERE the journey. They are just now on paper.
Since you’re dying to hear more about this new Alycat book series, let me indulge you. Because I’ve had the pleasure to read this book myself, I can tell you that it holds a wonderful life lesson within its’ pages. It also encourages readers to celebrate the joy, innocence, and fearlessness of being a kid.
When Alycat’s daydreaming causes her to miss out on Dessert Day at school, she will need to rely on her imagination to satisfy her sweet tooth! With the help of her best friend Spotty, she discovers trying new things can lead to fun adventures and tasty inventions! The Alycat series encourages readers to celebrate the joy, innocence, and fearlessness of being a kid, while learning a valuable lesson in the end. Alycat and the Thursday Dessert Day is the first book of the Alycat Series and a proud recipient of the Mom’s Choice Award.
Meet Alysson
- Alysson, author, mom, lawyer, teacher
- Alysson has 3 pet ducks

Alysson’s Family
Before you head over to her author’s site and Alycat site, take a few minutes to get to know more about Alysson!
Who do you see as your ideal audience?
My audience typically includes moms and teachers since my blog is based on my journey through the publishing process.
What are 3 things you can’t live without on a weekly basis?
Three things I can’t live without on a weekly basis are coffee, writing, and candy.
What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about literacy, community building, and family unity. Last summer we started our own little family game where we visited local Little Free Libraries after “mapping” them, donating books that I published. We called it “Little Free Library Go”. Eventually we built a Little Free Library of our own and became stewards. This library is located at a health clinic so patients can have access to books during their visit. It makes our family happy and proud to see the community doing positive things and restoring the faith in humanity. Our humbling efforts for our community included a book drive and “lemonade stand for literacy” for the people affected by the devastating Louisiana flood in August 2017. We distributed over 1,000 books to families who lost everything in the flood.
What are your longterm website goals in one sentence?
My blog consists of the experiences I’ve encountered as a children’s book author. I love to document my writing experience and look back on how much I have grown in the past year. My writing career is new and old at the same time. I am a past educator, currently licensed attorney, oilfield business owner, full time mother–all of which has guided me to find my passion as a children’s book author. I’m currently 36 years old so my longterm (blogging) goals consist of documenting my new experiences in publishing the next books in Alycat series.
Alysson even agreed to play along with one of our “Spotlight Series games” that we will be playing with all of our featured guests. Check it out below!
- Laundry….. Piled high
- Saturday mornings….. are for PJ’s and coffee
- I like to drink…. Pinot Noir –oops, first thought. You said no cheating.
- Music… is the cure for all that ails you
- Love… being on vacation
- Hate… being late
- The perfect season is… Summer
- Food…. oooh, always thinking about king cake and boudin. (I’m a cajun girl).
- Exercise is… important but for the birds
- Duck, Duck… Duck–love my 3 pet ducks
*Please stop by Allyson’s social media sites and leave some love!
The Mojitos & Munchkins Spotlight Series is our way of giving back. There is no way to properly thank all those that helped Mojitos & Munchkins get their feet wet in the blogging world, so we do this as a way of paying it forward. If you, or someone you know, thinks you would be a good fit for our readers, please submit an entry. We would love to hear from you and feature more amazing people, organizations, groups, blogs, and sites!