Election Day 2016 was certainly a historical moment. The day itself was one filled with hope and promise, as I was able to take my daughters to vote for the first women to ever be listed on a presidential ticket. My daughters will forever know that they are capable and worthy of doing anything they want in their lifetimes. That’s a pretty cool feeling. To get us in the spirit, we made Voter Registration Cards, filled out our official family ballots, and prepared to color in electoral votes as coverage results came in (though nothing rolled in until after bedtime…. Maybe next time!)
- Election Day printables
- Official Ballot
- Voter Registration Card… Check.
- Voting
- Voting
- Voting
- Our 2-year old is the only one to successfully vote for our President-Elect
- Walker Family “Rock the Vote” sticker
- Walker Family “Rock the Vote” sticker
- My 7-year old woke up and recolored his electoral map to check for errors 🙂
Check back in 2020 for free printables from Mojitos & Munchkins!