Author: April

Organizing A Stress-Free Kids’ Birthday Party

When we think about our childhood, many of us can single out birthday parties as the happiest occasions. Memories of our friends playing with us, running around, enjoy activities and our favorite food stay with us for life. You want your children to have memories like that and you want to organize the best birthday party for them. Organizing a kids’ birthday party means a lot of work and planning, so here are some tricks that can help you keep it stress – free.

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Small Tweaks That Will Refresh Your Beauty in an Instant

When you’re a busy woman, it’s common that your appearance can sometimes play second fiddle. When you’re a mother, it’s an even bigger challenge. Children demand constant attention so you often end up putting yourself second. That can make you feel less beautiful. What’s more, it can make you forget your own value. A well-taken care of mom is a happy and confident mom. All you have to do is tweak a few things, and you’ll be on top in no time.

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Kids Play: Indoor vs. Outdoor

Before the days of computers, kids didn’t have much choice but to socialize and play outdoors. Climbing trees, making mud pies, and running around getting dirty, but having fun and keeping fit with friends, and imagining fantastical stories. Nowadays, with the arrival of computers, many children are choosing to spend their days indoors, sitting around, and exploring these stories on a screen, instead.

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Published on Scary Mommy

Scary Mommy