Calling all children between the ages of 3-6! My youngest recently received Shifu Minglings and these 5 adorable wooden creatures have provided hours of fun! Not only are the Minglings interactive and engaging but their ability to tie in tangible hand-held manipulatives with on-screen design is modern day genius.
The Shifu Minglings Augmented Reality Game Set comes with 5 Each magnetic head and body can be interchanged to mix and max as your child pleases, creating new friends along the way. Using the accompanying app (App name – Shifu Minglings, available on both Android and iPhone), each creature comes to life right before your child’s eyes.

This educational game relies on logic to build and develop skills, all the while providing engaging fun! The best part? There is no wrong answer. The Minglings inspire creativity and curiosity and provide a platform for innovate design.

Whether adding accessories to a giraffe, making an elephant walk, or naming a moose, children are able to interact with the tangible items behind the graphics on the screen. Watching as their creation comes to life is only half the fun. The other part is taking the Minglings through the interactive village provided onscreen.

Minglings can be used on a variety of devices, including iPads, Kindles, phones and more. Because the Minglings are easily adapted onto all screens, they are ready to be invited into all homes.

For more interactive ideas for your kiddos, check out this great STEM Globe that we’ve fallen in love with.
Photo Credit: Mojitos and Munchkins