My childhood memories around the holidays include family meals, board games, more presents than necessary, and the daily movement of a tiny mouse in my mom’s ancient advent calendar. Oh, how I loved that mouse! At the start of each December, my brothers and I would argue over who got to move the coveted mouse. Eventually, they finally accepted that every day was MY turn and let me do my thing. I won!
While I am thrilled to carry on the tradition of having a family advent calendar with my little ones, I must admit the task is now daunting. Gone are the days where a cheap little mouse on the end of a frayed ribbon are things of cherished joy. Have you seen the advent calendars on the market today? They are truly a gift in and of themselves.
Over breakfast this morning, I asked each of my kids what they thought an advent calendar was. Surprisingly, I have not done my due diligence as a mother and they were unfamiliar with the word.
Ok. So we have some learning to do. Once everyone understood what an advent calendar was, we scrolled through Amazon and everyone picked their favorites. Did we buy them? No. Did we have fun window shopping? Yes.
My fast paced 8-year old son chose a Hot Wheels advent calendar, of course. Toys may come and go through the years, but his one constant since the age of two is his beloved race cars.
To see Brecken’s choice, check out the Hot Wheels 2017 Advent Calendar.
My sweet animal loving daughter, who at 5-years old would trade any of her siblings for a chance at a real live bunny to live in the house, went gaga over the animal advent calendar options.
To see Madiana’s choice, check out the Schleich Farm World Advent Calendar.
Gretchen, and her 3-year old Paw Patrol obsessed self almost lost her mind over the fact that some lucky little child is receiving a Paw Patrol figurine Every. Single. Day. Of. The. Month. If you’re cool enough to be that parent, please take pictures and send them our way. Gretchen would love to vicariously live through your adventure seeking fun!
To see Gretchen’s choice, check out the Paw Patrol Look-Out Adventure Calendar.
Well this was an easy one for me. A sampling of wine for all of December, to counteract the craziness and the noise, the chaos and the overpacked schedule? YES, please!
To see April’s choice, check out this Wine Advent Calendar.
DADDY’S CHOICE: Surprise! Boxes
For the man that is hard to shop for, but easy to love, this advent calendar was an easy choice. The boxes could be filled with K-cups or socks, dollar bills or gift cards, homemade pictures or coffee beans.
To see Eric’s choice, check out Simply Baked Treasure Box Advent Calendar.
FAMILY CHOICES: Sharing is Caring!
There truly are some remarkable advent calendars. You can spend a ton of money or get one on the cheap, but there are options for every taste and interest.
To see our pick for the chocolate lover, check out Woodland Skater’s Chocolate Advent Calendar.
To see our pick for a family friendly option, check out Melissa & Doug’s magnet Advent Calendar.
To see our pick for a crafter’s dream advent calendar, check out this DIY Beads Charms Advent Calendar.
To see a stunning option that will surely impress your guests, check out this Wooden LED Advent Calendar.
Until we make the investment for more individualized advent calendars, we are going to enjoy fighting over who moves our little gingerbread man in the upcoming weeks. Because, after all, nothing says happy holidays quite like sibling fights!
Do you use an advent calendar with your family? Did you have one growing up? Tell us about how you count down the days until Christmas! See our 2016 Christmas Greeting and read about Holidays Schmolidays from Mojitos and Munchkins.