Nothing could make me more excited, or more proud, to shine this week’s spotlight. I can’t think of a more deserving person to share with all of my readers; And sharing her recently created website makes my heart nearly explode.
Allow me to introduce you to Amy Thurm, the creator of the HLHS Comfort Care Website.
You can also follow her Facebook Page, Love For Indy.
*PLEASE stop by her page and leave some encouragement! Let’s motivate this momma to continue her pledge to spread awareness on HLHS Comfort Care, as she helps other families going through unimaginable grief.
Amy is a mother, wife, daughter, granddaughter, sister, Nurse Practitioner, and friend. She is also a grief survivor who lives with the loss of her daughter every second of every day. She has experienced the worst tragedy possible, and has emerged from that journey with a raw and honest perspective of life. Oh, and she happens to be my cousin. I’m beyond blessed that she has allowed me to share in some of her most life altering moments. I am beyond thankful that she wants to share her story with others, and in doing so, hopes to help others in a similar situation.
A little backstory: After meeting the man of her dreams, Amy and her husband Kevin would bring two beautiful and healthy babies into the world. When they became pregnant with their third little blessing, they were ecstatic. It was at their 20 week ultrasound appointment for that very blessing, that their lives changed forever. There, Amy and Kevin were devastated with the news that their unborn child was diagnosed with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, or HLHS. The next 20 weeks would be those of shock, grief, acceptance, prayer and mindful decisions. Imagine facing the worst grief of your life, and then getting a deadline by which you must compartmentalize and plan for that grief. Ouch. I can’t even imagine.
Together, Kevin and Amy made selfless sacrifices through the love and devotion that they felt for their precious newborn, who they would name Indy Rayena Thurm, in utero. Little Indy was a common household name, and a most beloved member of our family long before she would have her first cry… And long after her cries would fade.
On June 12, Indy was welcomed into the world. She spent 100% of her life being snuggled, cuddled, showered with kisses, and adored by all. For almost 22 hours, Indy was clothed, sheltered, nourished, adored and cared for. Her needs, both big and small, were met and fulfilled.
On a recent weekend when Amy was visiting, she casually mentioned that someday she would like to have a webpage telling Indy’s story in order to better serve and help others going through similar situations. My response was simple: Let’s build that website today! Within a few hours, a name was chosen, a domain purchased, and I was giving Amy the Cliff’s Notes version of Web Design 101.
Where there is a will, there is a way. Amy proved that by laying her content out in a vulnerable and honest way. She reached out to other moms who have buried their own children, asking them to take part in spreading their word. Their message is simple: Know your options.
Please check out her website, HLHS Comfort Care, to learn more. While you are there, please drop her a note of encouragement. She has worked hard to get her site together, all in an effort of educating parents who are faced with the same medical nightmare that she was. Amy writes not only as a devoted mother, but as a well educated member of the medical field. What I love most about Amy’s writing is that she does not display right or wrong choices when you’re faced with a list of bad options.
Before you head over to her site, take a few minutes to get to know more about Amy!
I see my audience as people who have received HLHS as a diagnosis for their unborn baby. I also would love if cardiologists and medical personnel came across my website so they could see that comfort care for an HLHS baby is a great option, allowing for incredible love and beauty in the baby’s life.
My phone, sweat pants, socks.
Helping others (I’m in medicine), and spreading awareness of the Comfort Care option for HLHS babies.
My hope is to spread awareness that comfort care is an option and should be an option for HLHS babies; and to provide comfort for those families choosing this option who feel alone because there isn’t a lot of support to turn to.
Meet Amy’s Family
- Indy with her mommy
- The Thurm Family
- Indy’s proud big brother & sister

1. Laundry….. never ending!
2. Saturday mornings….. wish I could sleep in!
3. I like to drink…. milk
4. Music… Christian radio station
5. Love… my husband
6. Hate… cold weather
7. The perfect season is… summer
8. Food…. salmon
9. Exercise is… enjoyed running before kids
10. Duck, Duck… goose!

Much love today and always, to Amy. I cherish the time we are able to spend together, no matter how few and far between that time may be.
The Mojitos & Munchkins Spotlight Series is our way of giving back. There is no way to properly thank all those that helped Mojitos & Munchkins get their feet wet in the blogging world, so we do this as a way of paying it forward. If you, or someone you know, thinks you would be a good fit for our readers, please submit an entry. We would love to hear from you and feature more amazing people, organizations, groups, blogs, and sites!